Thursday, September 23, 2010

30 Days of Me - 17

Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

This one is tough. I thought about posting about switching lives with my dog. She's got a pretty good life. I love her to bits, spoil her rotten, and I've often said that I would love her life. But, that's easy.

I thought about switching with a lady who lunches. I joke that I could live that life. And if it was only one day, I probably could handle it. Think about it. Sleep in, get up and have a coffee made for you by some house staff, roll out of bed to meet other ladies who lunch for lunch and then spend the afternoon at the spa getting hair, face, whatever done. Then off for some shopping before going home to be the trophy for some man who works all day to afford the maintenance of said trophy. Nice idea. I would be so bored I would probably put a gun to my head.

In reality, for the most part, I like my own life. I like the person I've become, and while it's not all roses, it's not all stinkweed either. So, thanks, but I'll stay me: today, tomorrow and always.

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