Friday, September 24, 2010

30 Days of Me - 18

Plans, goals and dreams, eh? - Warning inserted after I typed this post - it's a long and winding one. I apologize in advance of you reading it. My feelings won't be hurt if you don't make it to the end. xx

I suppose that for the last few months, I have actually been stagnating. Floating along in a sea of mediocrity as it were.

Next year is a bit of a milestone year for me, and it's sort of crept up and caught me a little unready. I always knew the time would come, but I wasn't entirely ready for it.

When I was 20, I thought that when I reached this point in my life, I would have a husband and a couple of kids, be nearing the end of my mortgage payments, be settled into some sort of nebulous career. In reality, I have an ex-husband who didn't want children (or at least that's what he told me), no mortgage (or house of my own for that matter), but I do have a pretty good career going. It's like I'm starting fresh again.

Do I want children now? I've been thinking about this lately. I don't think I do. I certainly wouldn't buy a spermsicle and impregnate myself. But what if I met someone and he wanted kids? Would I then? I don't know. Never say never, I suppose. (anyone who knows me knows that this is a huge thing for me to say).

Will I get married again? Probably another of those never say never things. I joke about getting married in Vegas to a random stranger on my birthday next year, but I'm not really interested in being married again. Would I like to be in a committed relationship again? Hell yeah! I miss so much about being with someone.

Right, I think I meandered off on the hopes and goals and dreams that were supposed to be the theme of this post. So, here goes:
1. Save, save, save - I want to travel and see amazing things. This means I need to stop spending my disposable income on socializing every night and put some money away.
2. Travel, travel, travel - I have at least 2 trips planned for next year. One is to the UK for a friend's wedding. She is getting married in June and it's a good excuse for me to finally get to Europe. I'll probably only be there for a couple of weeks, but it's a start. The second trip is my birthday trip to Vegas. I hope you're planning to come along. :P
3. Relax and let life happen - I can spend a little too much time in my head sometimes. It's time to let that go.
4. Career - I've kind of stagnated on this front too. Time to kick that in the ass and do amazing things again.

So, those are my top long term goals. If you made it this far in this long ramble, thanks for reading.

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